Josh Bolinger: Investing in Electronics Recycling
Im getting my hands dirty by making the world a little cleaner and investing in a electronics recycling startup here in Texas.
This is a chance for me get back into building, to get back out onto the shop floor, so to speak. I’ve done my time in factories, and it’s really nostalgic for me to be back in it, but also very exciting, because this is a type of building that I think is going to be the coming thing.
By purchasing large quantities of old technology otherwise destined for waste, and breathing new life into devices for the resale market, KTek’s business model is providing jobs, but, most importantly, putting a huge dent in the amount of tech-waste produced every year. Computers, laptops, monitors, and handheld devices otherwise designated as scrap are being refurbished for re-sale to business and education markets by the ton (literally).
This will be a nice opportunity for me to combine by background in manufacturing for Cisco with everything I learned in tech, marketing and branding at Bolinger Inc so Im super excited to see where this goes.